Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Day 6: Trip to Rome

This morning we left Florence to train to Rome. After checking out of our camping village, we met two CU kids who were just checking in and who also were doing the same trip as we were but reversed and we happened to cross paths. They gave us some good advice about Rome and Cinque Terre. Also, Amy ran into a high school teacher from Rocky Mountain High School in Ft. Collins; our world remains small.
We got off our train and walked through the massive Roma Termini to our hostel, which quite possibly may be as old as the Colosseum. We have 3 roomates: a crazy Aussie, a Portugese guy and a Spanish girl. They're pretty nice, but the Aussie is from a small town and is a little nuts, but he keeps making us roll on the floor laughing with his stories and accent. We also hung out with a nice British kid last night who made us both laugh harder than we have in a long time (if you've seen the movie Snatch ask us about him!)
Once we were settled we took off to see some sights. We visited the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, the Spanish Steps and Piazza Navona. The Pantheon was our favorite by far. We were both awestruck by the grandeur and beauty of this structure. I must admit we dined at the ubiquitous McDonalds next to the Pantheon; irony at its finest.
Come nightfall, we were pretty tired so we were content with just hanging out with the Brit and the Aussie in our room. The Aussie talked our ears off and we were more than ready to hit the hay. Until tomorrow, Buonsera-


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